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Type narrowing and closures

Przemysław Kukulski

Type narrowing

If you've worked with Typescript before, chances are you've already came across type narrowing. Let's consider a function that checks if a user has permissions for actions passed as an array of strings.

function canUser(user: User, permissions: string[]): boolean {
    return permissions.every(permission =>

if (canUser(mike, ['todo.create', 'todo.update'])) {
    // ...

if (canUser(tom, ['piano.play'])) {
    // ...

Pretty simple. Let's improve the API a bit. Passing a single string instead of an array with one element will save developers some typing.

function userCan(
    user: User,
    permissions: string | string[]): boolean {

    if (typeof permission === 'string') {
        // typescript knows that in this
        // scope permission is a string
        return user.permissions.includes(permission);
    } else {
        // in this scope permission can not be
        // a string, so it's an array
        return permissions.every(permission =>

if (userCan(ben, 'car.drive')) {
    // ...

Type narrowing is occurring inside the if condition. In the first branch, the type string | string[] is narrowed to string. In else branch, Typescript assumes that the code will execute only if permissions is an array of strings.

Does typeof have special powers? No. typeof operator is a type guard. Its boolean result determines if a broader type (in this case union of two types) can be narrowed down. A function that you probably know by now - Array.isArray - is a type guard. We can define our own type guards too. Here is how they look like.

type CartesianPoint = {
    x: number;
    y: number;

function isCartesianPoint(obj: any): obj is CartesianPoint {
    return !!obj &&
        typeof obj === 'object' &&
        typeof obj.x === 'number' &&
        typeof obj.y === 'number';

function drawCartesianPoint(point: CartesianPoint) {
    // draw on the screen

function draw(obj: object) {

    // this will give a compile time error,
    // because obj might not be a point

    if (isCartesianPoint(obj)) {
        // this compiles, because type guard
        // guarantees that the object is a point

If you want to read more about type guards, check out Typescript's handbook.

Simple feature, huh?

I recently run into a scenario that exposes a weird quirk of type narrowing. Take a look.

function access(index: number, data: any[] | Map<number, any>) {
  let indirection = data; // notice let

  if (Array.isArray(indirection)) {
    const x = indirection[index];
    const y = () => indirection[index]; // error
    const z = (() => indirection[index])();

The error message says:

No index signature with a parameter of type 'number' was found on type 'any[] | Map<number, any>'.

Wait, what? I though Typescript would narrow down indirection to array type. And it did it when initializing x. What's wrong with y?

Type narrowing does not work when a let variable is captured by a function. Changing let to const fixes the error above. Seems weird at first glance, but it actually makes sense! Imagine that after creating function y we set variable indirection to a map and then call y.

function access(index: number, data: any[] | Map<number, any>) {
  let indirection = data; // notice let

  if (Array.isArray(indirection)) {
    const y = () => indirection[index];
    indirection = new Map<number, any>();
    y(); // ?

The call to y yields undefined because one line above indirection reference was set to a map, which does not have numerical properties. If indirection was declared with const, reassignment would not be allowed and thus the array guarantee would be always valid.

It's fascinating how Typescript tracks type changes. The difference in behavior between let and cost captured variables reminds me of Rust's borrow checker. y borrows indirection, which should not be changed until y is destroyed. Otherwise, the array invariant is broken. Interestingly, an IIFE assigned to z in the previous example does not trigger that error. Maybe Typescript noticed that the borrow immediately disappears and type may stay unchanged?